Using an RSVP website for your event is so much more convenient than using standard paper and snail mail RSVPs. Counting up RSVP cards that you receive in the mail is an incredibly tedious and error prone task.
BUT, using an RSVP website definitely has it’s cons. Let’s take a look at a few of them.
RSVP Websites Require Your Guests to Type in a Lengthy, Often Confusing URL
Many RSVP website services like rsvpify, (or if you’re planning a wedding theknot) give you a URL for your event when you sign up. Let’s look at an example:
This is great, it has the couple’s name right in the URL, but think about what happens when your guests receive their RSVP card and have to manually type in those 42 characters. Mistakes are bound to happen, or the guest might just be too lazy to open up a web browser and type the URL in (no offense guests – we all do it). The result is your RSVP replies get delayed because your guest doesn’t feel like typing in a lengthy URL and you get frustrated because you haven’t received all your replies.
It’s hard to type in a URL on a cell phone web browser
Most guests will not be around a laptop when they are looking at your RSVP card, so they will most likely try to type in the RSVP website URL in their mobile browser to complete their RSVP. URLs are just long and complicated and hard to type (the http slash slash part is probably the most difficult part to type since it isn’t even a real word). Add the fact that your guests are trying to type this into a tiny little box in a mobile phone browser so again, errors can happen.
If your guest does decide to fire up their computer and type in your RSVP website url to complete their RSVP, great. They are much less likely to make a mistake on their laptop. BUT, some of the older generation may not have a laptop or internet access.
RSVP websites are great, but like most things, they do have downsides.
What’s more convenient than typing in a URL on your cell phone? (Hint: you do it ALL the time).
It’s text messaging….
That’s why Replied App is a great, text message RSVPs are the ultimate convenience and easiest way for guests to reply to your RSVPs.
Everyone, every age, uses text messaging. Your grandma might not have a laptop computer and internet, but if she’s like most grandmas, she loves sending you text messages.
People also already feel comfortable with texting. If you’ve planned events before, you’re probably aware that guests sometimes end up sending you a direct text message as their RSVP anyway.
Get your RSVP Replies Faster
When you give your guests the option of pulling out their phone and quickly replying to your RSVP, you increase the likelihood that they will do their RSVP right when they receive your RSVP card.
This, in turn, allows you to receive your RSVP replies faster and get your event head count sooner.
Setup your event today with Replied App and start receiving your RSVP replies faster.